Phoenix Presentation

to the Engineers in Medicine and Biology Society

May 24, 2007







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Meeting Announcement

 MAY 24, 2007: Open Source Medical Device Development by the Phoenix Project

(Lunch meeting, pizza & soda provided)

The Phoenix Project is a study group of the Twin Cities IEEE to develop an ambulatory blood pressure monitor for the Halberg Chronobiology Center at the University of Minnesota. Our goal is to make a monitor that is inexpensive, unobtrusive, easy to use and collects a week of blood pressure measurements. The Halberg Chronobiology Center wants the monitor for long term use on a massive scale to obtain measures of health, and to encourage the development of diagnostic, prevention and treatment techniques. More information about the Project can be found at

We will provide a brief group presentation to stimulate questions for an in-depth Q&A, hopefully with enthusiastic cross-audience discussion.

  The presenters from the Phoenix Project are:

Introduction - El Nolley
Sensors  - Carl Schu
Application software - Larry Beaty
Usage - Germaine Cornelissen



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 14 August 2007.

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