Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
11/16/2003 Meeting Notes


El: Seems to want to measure blood pressure with no more expense than with standard cuff, just as easy, collect week of measurements, unobtrusive.

Bob: Pressure cuff hurts if you are large or have edema. If the blood flow is blocked, it only measures the force of the device. Arterial pressure is different from venous. There is need to measure pressure at different parts of body. Wants a way to keep notes on what is happening. Many doctors don't know what to do with the data, e.g. cardiologists want EKGs.

Jim: How to sense blood pressure other than by cuff?

Initially, we need to be open endedCurt: about learning their requirements and what is available, then focus in on projects & tasks, breaking up into subgroups. Everyone share their perspective/comments/questions via emails to the group by "reply all" until we get an email list server. Send a list of our questions to Franz & Germaine before the meeting. Can park in the Mayo Ramp but it is often full. Best parking is on River Road.

Plan for 11/20/2003 at the Halberg Chronobiology Center

Would like to: 1) ask Franz tell us about the background of his needs for blood pressure measurement, 2) see the current blood pressure measurement device and hear what they like about it and what they don't like about it, 3) ask further questions. Timeframe: 1-3 hours.

Follow-on meeting: Sunday 12/7, 2:30p at North Pointe Restaurant (same location as 11/16)


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