Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
12/07/2003 Meeting Notes


Attendees: Bob Schlentz, El Nolley, Franz Halberg, Othild Schwartzkopff, Germaine Cornelissen-Guillaume, Uri Spector

Franz: This is more than a cost problem, it is an educational problem, so involve schools, measure blood pressure of school children.

Bob showed a batteryless flashlight with a capacitor that was charged by shaking it. A similar technique could be used to power an automeasuring process, using normal body motion.

Needs: Results should be comparable regardless of changes ia algorithm,

*Is too low blood pressure -.hypotension - important? Yes, among the elderly, diabetics and others.
* Does determining drug timing require a different study for each drug? Yes, different for each drug and each person.
* Is it needed to monitor regardless of activity? No, it is acceptable for them to "freeze".
* What price threshold below which the physician would use it for routine physical exams? The typical general physician would never use the blood pressure monitor without being required.

Objective: a device that collects continuous or periodic blood pressure, is user friendly, easily retrievable, useful in treatment.


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