Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
1/11/2004 Meeting Notes


Yoshi Watanabe
Curt McNamara
Germaine Cornelissen-Guillaume
Jon Moon
Dave Lerner
Wade Peterson
Bob Schlentz
El Nolley
Uri Spector

* What to measure
- Systolic - Chat
- Diastolic - Chat
- Pulse Contour
- Pulse Wave Velocity
- Heart Rate Variability

* Analysis
- Automate measure & analysis
- 7 days or greater
- 24 hrs (std dev)
- every 30 min.
- Activity tied to sample
- Standard variation within 24 hrs or 7 days.
- entire sample or min/max?
- blood pressure via cuff is gold standard
- British standard for accuracy testing
- oscillometric better
- need to measure while sleeping
- cost of false positives/negatives
- last 25 patents

* Techniques
- Cuffs
- Needle
- Velocity sonic wave >> pressure
- Measure 2 spots
- Create sonic pulse
- Inter Arterial - Siemens

* Issues/Problems
- Susceptible to damage
- Manual measurements subject to operating error
- Cuff measurement releases clots
- Difficult to hold
- Alert before measurement
- Measurements change with:
-- position of cuff
-- Activity
- Measurements can be painful
- Occlusions in vessels affect measurements
- Affected by thickness of tissue.
- FDA approval ?
- WHO approval ?
- IP Issues with medical company employees
-- participate anonymously

* Practical Considerations
- Manual sphygmomanometer
- Encourage Design & Production
- Automatic
-- Sensor other than cuff.
-- 1 person
- BP measurement not sphygmomanometer
-- RF
-- magnetic material
-- ability to parameterize
-- minimally invasive
- Prices
- Prototype
- Design Documents
- End User Group
- Define Standards
- Post processing
- Benefit to end users
- Benefit to physicians

* Topics for Next Steps
- Finish requirements process
- Get closure
- Look at devices (easier to look at others)
- Weighting importance of aspects
- List all aspects / potential requirements
- List of technologies / techniques - how they work, benefits / disadvantages / sites to measure
- Understand User
- Scope of project (market?)
- Post processing
- Create database of data
- Deliverables (proof of concept)
- What can be diagnosed?
- What can be done?


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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