Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
4/18/2004 Meeting Notes



Germaine Cornelissen-Guillaume
El Nolley
Wade Peterson
Bob Schlentz



Wade - We should have a promotion activity that lists our URL, does reciprocal linking, general promotion of our activities: meeting, projects,
* URL listed with Google, AltaVista, Netscape, Yahoo, Metacrawler, Teoma, others,
* reciprocal links and publicity with any organization that is concerned with blood pressure: tc-ieee, linux, MIT-hippies, open collector, blood pressure monitor pages, ieee chapters: eng in med & bio, consultants net, eng mgt soc, medical alley, MN-bio, Medsuds, MN federation of engineers, Inventors Council (Tom Roman, www.?),

Bob - Teoma, direct people to business sites, use them for reaching commercial and technical people.

We need a definition of open source, need an acronym and abbreviation page, Need development ideas and resources. What we need "We need ideas, people and development resource."

Wade - Ed Palmer will assist with microprocessor and patient research. Jay Rabel will work on the wireless communications interface, he'll look at the issues and present his finding to the group. Shawn McCutcheon is interested in telling us how his volunteer development group works which is developing a proprietary medical device.

Wade began experimenting with the piezo cable, determining splicing techniques, using various gels, measuring sensitivity, and identified contacts who have useful knowledge. .



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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