Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
6/6/2004 Meeting Notes



We reviewed the Phoenix Project for John Gould, who joined Phoenix today.

We reviewed the article/press release inviting volunteers to join Phoenix and decided where to link it to our website, specifically on the homepage next to the "Volunteers are Needed" link, on the "About Phoenix" and "Projects" pages, and on "Volunteers are Needed", so that the "Volunteers are Needed" and "Why Volunteer for Phoenix" are both linked to each other. This article has been submitted to the Twin Cities IEEE to be posted on their webpage at .

Wade is investigating the Impedance Plethysmograph, p. 419-420 of the Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook. From it we can obtain the velocity of the pressure wave and derive blood pressure from it. It may be a better technique than piezo file and we want to investigate both. Therefore, Wade will investigate starting a project to measure blood velocity using this technique.

Wade's questions (Q) and Bob's answers (A).
Q: What are inexpensive sources of electrodes? A: Aluminum foil and saliva. John suggested EMI tape
Q: What are electroconductive adhesives? A: saliva, zinc oxide, k-y-jelly, salt water in gelatin, and conductive paste used with HP electrodes.

Germaine said that she will be ready to post her Data Analysis project page soon.

Dates for our next three meetings are:



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 12 February 2005.

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