Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
7/18/2004 Meeting Notes




El is leading the Regulatory project and was asked to post his preliminary Quality System Requirements (QSR) notes.
Wade discussed progress with the Impedance Plethysmograph project. He noted that patents could be posted to a webpage, and would tell us how to do that so that 1) the links remain active, and 2) the images are included. These existing technologies are important because they highlight techniques we can use now and can apply in different contexts without infringing on the patent. We can easily modify many of them to not infringe on their patent or if necessary, or ask the owner for permission to use their patent or buy the patent, and often they will sell it to you for $1 because it is for a good cause and they get the great publicity for it. Wade wants feedback on this subproject.

Bob says that IEEE Explore has engineering in biology and medicine transactions back to 1968. We can check into how to get digital access to IEEE journals, and other journals, and ultimately post this information on our website.

Germaine showed us information that is published to the Halberg Site under published journals and "blood pressure".

Wade asked about accuracy and if we need a real-time clock. Germaine said within a minute over a week should be sufficient. John asked whether beat to beat measurements are important, Germaine said yes, but it is a question of what can be afforded.

Wade noted that Arden if would look through the patents around the real-time clock as a way to begin the microprocessor project. John will look at the 3 axis accelerometerget data on what is typical and possible and make it inexpensive. John noted that measuring blood pressure on the forearm is easy because it can get close to an artery, but on the upper arm there is so much tissue that it is hard to get close to a major vessel.

Bob said it is important to assure that the contact with the body doesn't cause skin problems, so placing it over cloth or clothing might be useful, and sports athletes have to deal with this, especially runners. Some people want to displays and want others to see that they have it as "one upmanship".

We looked at the product literature on Medwave's ABPM - Vasotrac and Vasotrax.

Germaine mentioned that she knows Lipicky who worked for the FDA on ABPM. He was interested in long term blood pressure changes and the opportunity to impact FDA regulations to emphasize longer term measurements;

We discussed digital access to journals. We need a list of digitally accessible journals and will consider items other than academic journals, such as Sports Illustrated, The New Scientist, Scientific American, Science News, trade magazines, Medical Device Instrumentation, Medical Electronics, Medical Manufacturing and blogs. When our members have it and notice that it has general use, send the journal and URL to El to post on the bibliography.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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