Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
8/22/2004 Meeting Notes




We will next meet on 9/12

We updated the hompepage to better explain the Phoenix Group.

Yoshihiko switched to another monitor, from Colin to A&D, so he will wear the two monitors to develop a calibration transform between the two monitor measurements. Bob offered to wear both monitors to help create a tranform. Oscillimetric measurements use different algorithms to map these measurements to mean arterial measurements.

Dennis Lienke joined us, background in systems and software. Yoshihiko Wantanabee joined us, and last attended 0n 1/11 .

In the Piezo cable subproject, John Gould has been looking at different materials but costs are high, 25-28 per sensor. Is still looking for materials, and accuracy requirements. Germaine will provide the accuracy requirements.

In the Data Analysis project, an Abstract has been submitted to Third International Congress of Cardiology, in Chinese Taipei.

Regarding the Piezo Motion Body Sensor, Gernmaine asked if there is any difference from the type of data provided by pedometer. John said they could determine tilt and motion, it is an accelerometer and a MEMS device.

Germaine will put some algorithms on the website. Currently, they take measurements, download the data and apply the algorithms to provide the analysis. She would like a continual method, update the mean value as we go. Consequently, we would not need a memory of the number, just "press" a button to provide the output.

We now use "after the fact "algorithms on "n" values. Then, we use a method where n isn't fixed. Techniques include a running average, a continual mean. Determine if recent data is outside permissible ranges to indicate that a person needs medical attention. Or when medication is no longer necessary.

Germaine's next step. 1) a statistical outline of the algorithm used now, 2) a method that uses less resources, more efficient. Then, we need to know what languages to use for the monitor.

El expects to have a draft text of a product introduction system, as part of our Quality System at next meeting for internal review.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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