Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
9/26/2004 Meeting Notes





Our next meeting will occur on 10/10

Germaine reviewed a recent article submitted to the Encyclopedia of Chronobiology. Discussed definition of chronobiology and recent studies, including one of rats that received different treatments, and found that the chronobiological schedule better reduced the size of the tumor and prolonging survival. It also showed different methods. Also showed a shift in the dominant heart rate cycle during the first two months of life from weekly to daily cycles, and blood pressure is similar. The analysis methods include the arithmetic mean, MESOR, QSUMs, parameter test and estimation of parameters, and changes in parameters. Findings include that there is greater statistical significant with the COSINOR rather than ANOVA, because COSINOR assumes the solution form and thus can more accurately assess when there should be treatment.

Wade suggested placing it also in Wikipedia, an online open source Encyclopedia.

Wade suggested a roadmap for sensors and passed out a copy of the Twin Cities StarTribune article in 9/24/2004, showing the impact of errors and how disastrous they are in the medical technology industry. We have to be very sensitive to zero defect goals. StarTribune's article 9/23/2004 summary of St. Jude's acquisition of Endocardial Solutions. University of Minnesota Alumni Magazine's July-August article "Where Research Meets Ethics", p. 22-27, public policy lags far behind research, and "golden rice" issue of the conflict between intellectual property rights and helping the developing world. Germaine provided the article in Engineering and Medicine and Biology Magazine, March 1989, Vol 8, Number 1, "Impedance Techniques" - the theme for the entire issue, especially the article, "Body Fluid Determinations Using Multiple Impedance Measurement" by Bob Patterson, University of Minnesota, p. 16 describes some of the open source issues.

Wade thinks we need the involvement of local companies, government, non-profits and academia all working on open source solutions. We especially need local companies to contribute technology in the form of techniques they developed that they've used that we can use in the open source, he would like them to participate in an open source group, like ours, to help us grow in number people so that the work can get done. There just aren't enough volunteer people to staff this project, specifically the sensor subprojects. We need people, labs, and tools. Dennis suggested this might not be the large companies, but the smaller companies.

Dennis discussed software requirements, he talked with Germaine, followed up at the supercomputer center, and is in email discussion with others.

We will begin the next meeting with a discussion of Bob's 7 problems: battery, user, sphygmomanometer, other measurements, competitors (using ARM 7) is all of the electronics work done, power, packaging.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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