Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
10/10/2004 Meeting Notes




We'll conduct our next meeting on 10/24. Our working activity for this meeting is Software Requirements.

Wade has been working on intellectual property issues, specifically how to define a public domain claim, especially with patents. With software, if we copyright the software via the GPL and some else has a patent on that software, there may be issues. Software can be patented if it defines a method. He suggests that we may have to defend against companies that file a patent claim on an innovation that we have placed in the public domain through the Phoenix release, the GPL (software) or the Hard License (hardware). He is going to explore this by testing it with a different idea that is not part of the Phoenix Project.

By next meeting, Wade hopes to have defined the next experiment for Impedance Plethysmograph Sensor.

Germaine provided a copy of the instruction manual for the A&D TM-2421/TM-2021, which contains the RS-232 interface. It shows the compliance rules and precautions they cite. The Halberg Chronobiology Center uses the TM-2421 priced at $3200 for the unit and $1800 for the RS-232 computer interface. The A&D company has replaced this system for the smaller model TM-2430, which works in a similar fashion but does not require an interface since the unit can be directly connected to the computer with a cable. For BIOCOS participants, the A&D company offers the $2250 TM-2430 monitor with an 80% discount ($450) after a protocol has been mutually agreed upon with the Halberg Chronobiology Center. El sent an e-mail to A&D asking for a pdf of their instruction manual for the TM-2430. For our next meeting on 10/24, Germaine plans to prepare a Powerpoint document of the analysis methods, how we do it, what are the steps and an example that illustrates it, and post this on the website.

John Gould has been reviewing the price of accelerometers for his project. He found a two axis accelerometer that sells for $5.76 each in small quantities. He would like to talk with people in the microprocessor project - Curt McNamara, Steve Stadler, Edward Palmer or Arden Olson.

El reviewed our regulatory project, specifically the Product Introduction System portion of our Quality Systems Manual. He hope to have it posted by our next meeting.

Because Bob Schlentz is ill, we deferred discussion of his Questions until our next meeting.

We examined the descriptions of A&D's three software products at:
* BP Diary - Download from the monitor
* Monitor Pro - continuously monitor and trend analysis,
* Dr Pro - enhance the patient's data.
Our general model for developing requirements is:
Input -> [Phoenix Software] -> Output. Now, we need to define the Input, the Output and the processing platforms.

We discussed recruitment, specifically people who would work on the hardware projects, especially those who have home hardware labs. Wade suggested contacting people we met from spring until now and the members of the Consultants Network directory at

At our next meeting on 10/24, we will continue with:
* Bob Schlentz's Questions
* Software Requirements



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

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