Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
11/21/2004 Meeting Notes




Wayne Hochrein joined the Phoenix Project.

Project Status

Wade-Impedance Plethysmograph: Wade showed the most recent information he has added to his 21CFR page, and HIPPA information from HHS. He showed us a non-invasive blood pressure monitor for surgery applications of the T-Line product from Tensys Medical, Inc. , steps 1-4, using sonic sensors. Playlists 1-4. Realtime blood pressure management.

He showed his progress with the Impedance Plethysmograph, he will redesign the amplifier, document Disclosure with the US Patent and Trademark office for $10, which he will place in the public domain. This makes a legal document. It becomes a file wrapper, and you can append it each time for $10.

Germaine-Data Analysis Methods: Germaine is working on the Powerpoint document showing how to analyze blood pressure data. She is presenting in Taiwan next week and wanted to know whast we want from the audience of clinicians. Bob suggested that we wanted to know protocols for testing blood pressure monitors.

John-Motion Sensor: John Gould is investigating inexpensive multichannel accelerometers for the motion sensor. He wanted to know if we wanted to include a microprocessor, Wade suggested that we wanted it to be as inexpensive as possible, perhaps as simple as an 8051 and a watch crystal, less stringent power requirements for the sensor, more stringent power requirements for the microprocessor. Perhaps, we'll want a real-time kernel, but we are not sure if real-time Linux will be sufficient because it may be too big. driving memory requirements and thus power requirements.

El-Manufacturers: Presented a webpage showing blood pressure monitor manufacturers.

Data Analysis Software Requirements

Chris led our discussion of the software architecture issues. We must identify the needs for application software subsystem. He noted that we need a external Diary. We identifying the "actors" and the results were captured on his project webpage.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 3 December 2004.

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