Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
12/05/2004 Meeting Notes



Larry Beatty, Mike Teller and Gerry Werth joined the Phoenix Project.

Project Status

Wade: He described alternative places to meet such as Lunds in Plymouth to meet our growing needs for space, that has a free conference room, $4 for 2 hrs. He provided additional material for the bibliography page that highlights lead free electronics. He noted that currently all circuit boards use solder and this will change due to environmental requirements, so we must be prepared it. This requirement starts in 13 months.

Germaine: Reviewed her presentation given in Taiwan. Jon asked if the analysis pseudocode would be available. Germaine said it would.

Chris-Data Analysis Software: He reviewed the "actors" in the use analysis. We discussed whether the ABPM could be on or off. The tecnician is usually a cardiology nurse or a medical assistant or nursing assistant or nurse practicianer. Who are the specialists who do this for that clinic. Clinicians include physicians and nurses, OT & PT, and anyone with patient contact. The same is so for people who currently work with blood pressure monitors. The non-physician gathers the information and the physician determines treatment. There is a trend towards using Physician extenders, like nurse practicianers, who determine treatment under the nomial supervision of a physician. They are contrasted with researchers.

We discussed the roles:
* first you are put in a room (rooming the patient), you may get weighed, and provided a short interview - why are you here and where does it hurt the worst. Data is captured. Data is analyzed. There is a strategy session with the physician. An alternative scenario is a screening. The other scenario is a diagnostic session. There may be local analysis on the local device and then dumping the data to the remote device for fuller analysis.
We identified three types of users: patients, students, bio-feedback receipients which is possibly option but should not in the base system if it drives cost, with an other interface to another device like a pda.

This is a sequence of steps:

Blood Pressure Measurement is usually done by primary care physicians. We had questions about what goes into a diary for a Holter Monitor.

Germaine said that the ABPM diary is only used when an anomaly is discovered and diary is examined to determine how to assess the anomalous data. In 90% of the time, the diary is never used. There are two numbers, D-data, E-event, date & time: D, id, ; E, id, date/time, event,
Note: there is no unique patient identifier. usually name-birthdate, to address the issue of from whom did the data come. Deal with Munchhausen syndrome and by proxy.

We noted two additional items: 1) We want to learn how a physician learns how to use a Holter Monitor. Then, we can apply this to the Phoenix ABPM. 2) Chris noted that there is an open source a web ring of open source medical and found it by 'googling' on "open source medical"

Our next meeting will occur on 12/19. Then, in January we'll begin meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 18 December 2004.

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