Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
4/24/2005 Meeting Notes



Mike Callahan, a mechanical engineer, joined the Phoenix Project.

We will not meet on May 8 is Mother's Day, so our next meeting will occur on 5/22.

Bob Schlentz: For those interested in artery size, the brachial artery radius is 150-300 microns outside, 100-210 microns inside, capillary is 5-10 microns outside 3-10 microns inside. Other artery sizes are 1/3 to 1/5 size of brachial artery. The Aorta is about 1/2 to 1 inch radius.

Wayne Hochrien noted that the Brachial artery radius is 1.53 mm.

Tom: Downloaded the Chen patient, US patent # 6,599,251, on calculating blood pressure, from a time domain measurement to a blood pressure measurement, available at:

Gerry: Is working on his scenario.

Germaine: Advice for resperate, the only non-traumacronological method of measuring respiration, through feedback getting respiration low, to lower blood pressure, ear plugs, plays mousing, biofeedback. Last week, went to a meeting at Eubiotone in Los Angeles, with a presentation by Dr. Rosenfeld, a vitamin, a nutritional supplement, repairs mitochondria, has a blood pressure lowering effect,.

Dennis: Working on infrastructure, version control and noted that the tool Subversion is better than CVS. Has a couple hundred pieces of software. Looking at an IVE called Eclipse, working on Fortran, software construction tools, new version of Make, a new version of software classification and Wiki.

Dave: Looked a project goals, Wade's work, interested in the sensors.

Chris Adams led us in our System Requirements discussion:

Talked about Wiki, NetBeans, Eclipse as possible frameworks for collaboration, data analysis workstation and baseline data management workstation.

Netbeans provides the IDE and the platform, we want to evaluate the platform, as a framework for desktop applications.

Preliminary software requirements for the computing components within the device itself. The device is essentially a data acquisition device. For example, do we use Linux on a chip? Some prototyping would be instructive.

We also need verification and validation planning. Because our product is a medical device, we need testing that is formal and is independent of development. Some planning now will help asure that out developers product information needed by our testers, that we build a testable product.

We talked about what is involved in verification and validation for medical products.

Chris said that much of this is in the design history file which is a record of what you said you were going to do and what you did. It is a discipline unto itself that we need to follow.

We should also investigate using test driven development, probably for unit testing but possibly not for system testing.

Tom Renner will investigate V&V the leadership role.

The software engineering and system engineering needs to be separated. We need a user requirement s

On July 7, a free software testing seminar is being given by International testing institute with details at

El will schedule meetings of the sensor team to include Tom, Dave, Mike, Wade, El, and Dan during the next weekday and another meeting in an evening to include Wayne and John.

Our next general Phoenix meeting will occur on May 22.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 24 May 2005.

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