Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
7/10/2005 Meeting Notes



We wished Franz a happy 86th birthday.

Germaine discussed her presentation on Data Analysis, beginning with the Single Mesor.

We had in-depth questions and discussions about:
* derivation of the Normal Equations
* A^2
* Double Product was SBP * Heart rate was a proxy for cardiac output.

We understood that there was an underlying rationale that this was equivalent to volume rate, where SBP is proportional to heart stroke volume

* rate assuming the inelasticity of blood, or electrical capacitance.
* The multiple components (2 for hourly & daily cycles) increases the amount of data needed to obtain the same confidence interval range.
* Centenarians have higher DSP range because of differences in meals and exercise.
* The Cosine was selected in order to start with the peak, the M is selected as 12 midnight, and theta is selected as negative to have clockwise rotation rather than counter clockwise rotation. Is this is a consequence of selecting the cosine rather than the sine as the fundamental periodic functiion?
* Key issues to health emerging are: emotions and theirimpact on wars. Perhap blood pressure could be a first measurable indicator of such cycles in mass/social behavior. Kondrietef cycles (50 year sunspot cycles correlated to stock markets discovered by the Russian researcher in economics in 1820s) applied to heart attacks Alabama and Czecklosovakia. Also the impact of Hindu prayer on behavior.
* Slide #29, assumes that the cross products are zero, fundamental assumption of least squares, thus the sum of the squares becomes the sum of the Residual Sum of Squares and Model Sum of Squares.
MSS and RSS each divided by their degrees of freedom, F > F sub 1-alpha, then you reject the null hypothesis.

Jim Holte asked that we comment at on asking IEEE for 20-25K for 1 yr to include paid 1200 per month to enable William to stay in the US and help Phoenix.

We stopped at Slide 37,

Germaine is currently working on an Excel spreadsheet to compute Cosinor and eventually the Syphgmochron and the diagnosis of CHAD.

There were questions about whether the monitor should make diagnosis, that this create large regulatory approval problems. Others suggested that we have an interface that would enable another program to produce a CHAD diagnosis, and produce the program to assure that it can be easily done but not make it part of the Phoenix monitor. We discussed whether we had a derived requirement to enable other programs to produce diagnoses, eg. the Phoenix Project enabling the Phoenix Meausrement Program and the Phoenix Clinical Program (see the webpage About Phoenix, click on Objectives and see the second paragraph.)

There were requests for specific derivations, explanations, physical analogies and a glossary.

We also discussed the need to stimulate the work that Curt McNamara on Microprocessor architectures, specifically is it an Intel processor or another.



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