Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
8/14/2005 Meeting Notes



Germaine noted that methods like the cosinor are commonly presented as methods of acceptability without crossing the line into diagnosis.

Franz discussed cyclic phenomena like blood pressure that have daily, weekly, transyear (1.3 years). There may be links to physical cycles like solar wind cycles that have 1.3 yr cycles, earth magnetic field cycles. 53 years ago, people did not accept circadian rhythms. Spacelab is considering an instrument that has blood pressure and activity.

Dan helped Dave Skramsted on his board development.

John Gould reviewed a 3D accelerometer from FreeScale, build cost might be around $6, price is $50 from Freescale. Can take 200 samples per sec.

Venkat: evaluating RT Linux. 8-12 usec cycle, as an open source Linux, measurement on 486. Can reduced latency by: faster processor, strip out modules, supervisory mode. 10-15 usec. We need read data every msec. Easy to do, 4 sensors.

Bob Schlentz: tried ambulatory blood pressure monitors, couldn't find a way to carry it because he is big, made a little pouch to carry it, as neurostimulators were carried 30 years ago. Jim Holte said that when we are ready to try it, we should visit Dr. Dengle in kinesthesiology. His lab has been available for human physiology for Jim. Eg. treadmill. We can perform our system tests in his lab.

Dave Skramsted: worked with Dan to reproduce Wade's prototype, 3 pole active low pass filter, DC gain of 30 dB, cutoff frequency is 10 Hz, filter out line noise. Got one board running, another is close. Then, we'll configure with different piezo sensors. Mary Jo Rawson indicated that she'll do her senior class project with the Phoenix project. Dave injected 10 mvolt, 5 Hz sine wave and observed an amplified version on the board. This is for a piezo film sensors. Need more regulators, got 3, broke two. Need more sensors, he ordered them and expects to have them working within a month. Cost Estimates: another $25, need $100 + $100 (paid by Dave), + $20 (soldiering iron): $245 total. He'll tell us the actual value in two weeks. We'll need a budget for 2006.

Venkat said he would be interested in working on the processor component of the local subsystem.

Next meeting date would be 8/28, but the IEEE section has its Summer Soire picnic then. So our next meeting will occur on 9/11. Chris will be vacationing and doesn't want to miss Germaine's presentation, so he would like Germaine's presentation to resume on 9/26.



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