Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
11/13/2005 Meeting Notes




John Sawyer, from LSI Logic, joined us. He is interested in hardware and sensors.

Project Status:
Chris: working on embedded system requirements

Mary Jo: got a board working, is working on a sensor, then calibration, generating data,

John will be on remote assignment,

Gerry Werth. Discussing with Kip Sullivan the arguments and evidence for and against the use of electronic medical records. Especially, the use of evidence based research, public policy and decisions. Gerry recommended nVu.

Germaine: Continued around slide 61. reviewing non-parametric models that complement parametric models that do not assume normality of the data or that the variance is the same over time. They just show the values and generally a specified confidence interval. Eg. a specified endpoints, and show the patient's profile which is deviant and over what percent of the time, and when. Therefore, treatments may be different based on amount of deviation and when during the cycle.
Germaine: We would like the ability to support changing the reference values, using reference values for specific ages, gender, country of origin, etc. It is better when the groups are more homogeneous, it may provide more useful clinical information.

Chris: Should we have the structures that will support double-blind studies?

Gerry Presented on Clinical Information Systems

- Vertical structure of Clinical Information.

- Elementary particles
- atmosphere
amino acid
social, economic, political structure

In medicine, information is organized by these levels and is useful Emergent properties, from lower levels to higher. That may become embedded. Chemistry is a horizontal disciple, medicine is a vertical discipline. Software functionality over time for knowledge workers.

Time (x), Functionality (y).
- General business systems increase in both variables.
- Knowledge work systems, begin with a minimal functionality.



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 10 December 2005.

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