Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
9/24/2006 Meeting Notes




* Larry: Has been looking for references on chronobiology that are suitable for non-technical people. Been working with testing in visual basic framework. Needs a source control framework and would like Dennis Lienke's advice. El will ask Dennis.

We discussed the issue of a quality system to address prototyping. Larry thought that Grand Avenue Software may have opinions about this. El said that Norm Bayne recommended a quality system but El wanted to explore the option of no QS for prototyping to minimize the overhead for prototyping as an idea generating and exploration process and then ask the local FDA device contact for hif suggestions.
Bob suggested that we need is a document that describes what goes in and goes out, a "goes-into-and-goes-out-of" document. Larry suggested that we refer to it as a high level functional requirements or description - Inputs and outputs.
* Chris: Is working on his version of the Data Analysis Methods as a high level function description, the mathematics, the architecture, terminology, and glossary.
* DeWayne said that the most difficult part has been getting the inexpensive hardware. We need to provide the hardware.
* Dave Skramsted: Has taken an employment position, has passed leadership of the Sensor Team to Carl Schu, while he begins his new job, then he plans to return to the sensor team as an active participant.


Minitopic - Gerry Werth


Paradigm Professions
What's Special about Paradigm Professions
* Clergy + Laws + Medicine
* Fiduciary:= Involving or Inspiring Trust.
* Confidential Relationship.
* Putting Clients' Interest above Self Interest.
* Spiritual Confession.
* Lawyer-Client Privilege.
* Doctor-Patient Privilege.

What is Special about Medicine?
* Doctor-Patient Privilege: confidentiality
* Life-and-Death Issues
* Quality-of-Life Issues
* Trust: Therapeutic Rapport.

Discussion Question: Is Medicine Different from Auto Repair?

* El: Life is so important that we expect our community/gov't to provide rules/laws to require and encourage a physician to support our health needs above all other interests. Interestingly, payment for auto repair is usually outcome-based while medicine is typically not.
* Chris: We expect our physicians to have behaviors that reinforce: legal, economic, quality. We can't have these relationships with an auto mechanic.
* Bob: In auto repair, the car is often at "terminus", while for the patient, it is either worse or better, usually worse. Autos are static and simpler, while patients are dynamic and complex.
* Gerry: Coming from engineering into medicine, I thought there was a difference. The competency domains are different. My engineering competency didn't carry over. So I was interested in what kind of evolutionary prototypes would work, provide a working prototype, help us discover our requirements, and address the unpredictability of medicine.

Next Phoenix Project Coordinating Team Meeting: Sunday, October 8th at 2:30 p.m. in Mayo 748



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 25 October 2006.

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