Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
10/08/2006 Meeting Notes




* Chris: His Privacy paper was published, but doesn't know in which document it is published. His papers, are posted on our Bibliography page: About HIPAA and Privacy Requirements. He is working on his version of Germaine's Data Analysis presentation and hopes to begin presenting on Nov 12, , then will prototype a Java version of the Sphymochron application, architected to take in to consideration design patterns (easily understood and mintainable programs), probably NetBeans.
* Larry: Developed Test Driven Design methodology, recruited Tom Stuart to help with the Test driven development.
* Mary Jo: LabView problems, Took a workshop on LabView, we don't know enough about LabView and would like help from those who have such experience. She is trying to get 10 minutes of data and correlated it to 10 minutes of cuff data from the A&D monitor.

Tom Stuart has worked with Larry Beatty and retired a year ago. He worked in the computer industry in software and has a PhD from Berkeley in Mathematical Optimization,

Franz: With their extensive data, The Halberg Chronobiology Center asked this question, do changes in the solar winds correlate with blood pressure? He showed their latest data that identifies correlations between blood pressure and the solar winds, in this Powerpoint presentation.


Test Driven Software Development - Larry Beatty


This is the first of two sessions, presenting Test Driven Development methods. This session is a presentation and demonstration of Test Driven Development applied to Visual Basic in a spreadsheet, the first one to our knowledge.

Test Driven Software Development is can be generalized to embedded software and perhaps to digital signal processing, but Larry didn't know enough about hardware to determine whether it can be generalized to both software and hardware development, and thus total product development.

This demo will illustrate the technique, and show it in visual basic. The challenge was to determine if it will work within a spreadsheet.

His first tool is "frmTestRunner", which runs the test. We watched it loading the tests, called Containers, within each container is a list of tests. You can run a single test, groups of tests or all of the tests. Larry ran all of the tests, the progress bar shows passing tests in green and turns red when it encounters an error, 24 tests were run, three tests failed. The report shows the name of the test, and the reason it failed. You can click on the test and drill down to find causes. Typically, you identify a test and write the code. Though it may take longer, it is less expensive to develop this way. It can be extremely useful in satisfying FDA auditors.
There are tools like this for Java, C++ and C Sharp.
This technique will force programmers to justify each line of code. Also, the list of tests replaces the requirements document. It becomes a wonderful based for regression testing. A source control methodology could assure that each time code is checked-in, the test is checked-in. However, there is no way to formally test that the test is complete.
Chris: Is it true that this is unit testing, not assembly testing, not system testing, and not acceptance testing. It works because design is done top-down and coding is done bottom-up.
Larry: Yes. In commercial coding, coding is done bottom-up because unit managers want to see early verification that their parts work However, military products can be coded top-down, implementing stubs for the next unit down and replacing them later.

In testing, we refactor and reflect. We automatically test.

We write a test to prove that it fails and write a test that proves that it succeeds at the points you expect it to.
When you write a tool to test a medical device, FDA requires that you provide evidence that it works properly and Test Driven Development will do that.

Key points:
* 70% of cost is maintenance after the release consisting of bugs & user knowledge. Bug maintenance is nearly eliminated.
* It reinforces a culture constant examination of what can go wrong and tesing for it.
* It is incremental, starting with simple tests and developing into reusable tests and identification of test patterns. Refactoring the tests becomes iterative with periodic "reflecting" to identify more tests and changes in the tests and the design.
* Programmers become very sensitive to how they make mistakes and altering their development environment and behavior to minimize it.
* Testing is done by every programmer as part of coding.

Larry will develop a summary of the demo with screen shots for posting with these meeting notes.

The presentation will continue at the next meeting on October 22nd.

Next Phoenix Project Coordinating Team Meeting: Sunday, October 22th at 2:30 p.m. in Mayo 748



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 25 October 2006.

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