* Larry: Completed Sphygmochron period of wearing an ABPM,
no crises. His circadian rhythm is about 3 hours later than Discovered
there are cases that are not reported in the current software,
like there isn' t enough heart rate variability to perform an
analysis. 1) The spreadsheet framework is ready to place it on
Sourceforge for version control. Using Sourceforge to keep records
to overcome the primitiveness of Sourceforge. Sourceforge will
not prevent someone from creating a bad record. For example, completion
of a review by multiple users. Next step.
* Chris: Started working on the architectural prototype for the
Java based Syphgmochron, ignoring some things and adding other
things in, like a framework for managing the algorithms.
Tom: Doing work with Larry, exploring the TDD framework, and looking
at the Sphygmochron to see visually how to see the data.
* Gerry: Looking at issues to spin off the critical care software
* Brad: Designing an FPGA to capture the measurements and possibly
do the calculations of the BP and HR.
* Germaine: Overwhelmed. The recent trip was fantastic, to Japan,
a meeting in Tokyo where we met Thomas Pickering, who was interested
in blood pressure. He represents a majority of people adverse
to using computers and algorithms to analyze BP. They are not
conversant with mathematics, computers and algorithms. It must
be simple. A mean is simple. But, it ignores the recent discoveries
that BP is not constant, and these have diagnostic potential.
It is important to get physicians interested and to address their
concerns. Also, we had two other side trips. One to Tosa, where
there is a community where citizens are offered fulltime ABPM,
and nurses who look after them, with a community house where patients
can come to learn and use monitors, and physicians can come and
learn. The leading physician provided an overview of progress,
showing that they had measurable progress in improving their health
and how they did it. The other side trip was to Kyoto, where their
Healthwatch program had been running for 6 years. This was an
important trip in bringing ABPM directly to the patients in a
health plan. A&D was a full partner in this project. A&D
is working on a new device, a standalone system, that uses cuffs
to measure arterial compliance, which is the elasticity of the
artery. Their plans: include a prototype of the cosinor as an
Excel spreadsheet, and they have something that almost works.
Sphygmochron Discussion - Larry Beaty
* Larry presented the text of the proposed disclaimer for the
Sphygmochron that is going to be posted on Sourceforge for version
control and development, on
* Franz: Want to assure that the software and the database are
both adequate, possibly the software is too early. Was concerned
about giving away the software.
* Larry: Phoenix should take a crack at trying to solve Franz's
Chris: Placing the software on a developers site is not publishing
it, merely placing it. However, anyone can download it if they
know it is there.
This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 11 January 2007.
The author(s) provide this information as a public service, and agree to place any novel and useful inventions disclosed herein into the public domain. They are not aware that this material infringes on the patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights of others. However, there is a possibility that such infringement may exist without their knowledge. The user assumes all responsibility for determining if this information infringes on the intellectual property rights of others before applying it to products or services.
Copyright (C) 2007 Ellis S. Nolley. Copying and distribution of this page is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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