Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
1/14/2007 Meeting Notes




* Franz: Announced that they have discovered a 1.3 year cycle of suicides in Minnesota and Japan, expected to be caused by a solar wind.
* Yoshi: Presented his latest work. 95% confidence interval of a 1.3 year cycle, of heart rate from 14 days of birth. Showed that heart rate component became more prominent with age. Found that diastolic pressure was synchronized to 1 year but systolic seemed to be synchronized to 1.2 and increased to 1.3 as age increased. Correlation was stronger when measured at night. Possible explanations are that the solar wind has an average period of 1.3 years, is mediated by ionized particles, primarily alpha particles, that are guided around the earth's magnetosphere to the night side and then through to the earth's surface.


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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 27 January 2007.

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