Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
1/28/2007 Meeting Notes




* Larry: Has been implementing convenience macros for Germaine and learning about her process.

* Gerry: Learning more from his practice.

* Ann Waltner: Is interested in observing our meeting.

* Mike: Is working on his optoelectric sensor and expects to send us a project proposal in the next two weeks.

* Larry: Asked why we needed beat-to-beat measurements. Germaine said it was useful to compute arterial compliance.

* Mike: Wanted to know more about arterial compliance. Germaine said she would send some articles.

Clinical Care Support Systems - Mini-Topic - Gerry Werth

A Clinical Care Support System (CCS)

CCS: How Shall We Proceed
* Clinical Care and IT
* Consensus
* Next

CCS: Health Care and IT
* Ephriam Schwarz, "Reality Check", Infoworld, 20006.12.04
"The future is rosy for both patient care and computer science. ... As healthcare goes high tech, IT expertise will be needed more than ever to manage the new systems.
* EMR: Electronic Medical Record
- Supports Clinical Care Process.
* PHR: Personal Health Record
- Supports Personal Responsibility for one's own Health.
* Intel and Walmart initiative.

Concerns and Issues
* Clinical Informatics is the most complex domain.
* Who will join a CCSS group?
* Who will be our4 alpha users?

Next Steps
* Decided who to decide.
* Recruit members for CCSS study group.
* Recruit alpha user sites.
* ...

* Requirements to start? People to join.
- coders, Gerry is the domain expert and architect.
- builders.
- how do we position and market it. Sales and market position. Professional politics and cultures. Getting to the Pediatrics Academy. Open source marketing is recruiting.
* The skills/functions needed:
- BSA.
- architectural designer,
- marketing organization - to recruit, ...
- leadership and management role. Marketing is community building and recruiting, also project/program management.
Start with coordinator role, then expand to project manager, then program manager. The role is to assure that Gerry's vision is implemented.

* What are the counter-forces? What are the minimal things it needs to do?

We concluded that he needs a coordinator, a business systems analyst and an architectural designer.

We asked Gerry if he had a vision statement and was ready to start. He said he thinks he is ready, wants to think about time, will update the vision page at , and he will let us know. When he is ready, we are ready to staff it.


Sphygmochron Vision - Larry Beaty


Questions of:
* Is the code public domain or private.
* Franz seems to feel that the real value is the patient database. What do we do with it and how?

Chris noted that keeping the patient identities out of the "product" makes it possible to easily satisfy the regulatory requirement.

Larry talked about the requirements changing as Franz and Germaine saw what could be done in a program. We discussed capturing what they do now, and automating it as "version 1". If the patient data goes into a text file, Version-1 could be constrained to do that; if Germaine has to retrieve other measurements for this patient from another text file, it could include this as an automated function.



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 29 January 2007.

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