Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
Why Open Source?


The Halberg Chronobiology Center seeks an ambulatory blood pressure monitor that, in concept, is usable by everyone on the planet, regardless of geography, access to capital, or clinical urgency. They want a 'supermarket' solution, not a 'premium market' solution. Their objective is to facilitate the collection of the information so that they can focus on diagnosis, prevention and treatment. They need a universal solution, not a niche solution. Furthermore, their objective is to enable the development of knowledge-based services, not just products, on which the medical community can base their decisions.

The Open Source solution fits this problem. It focuses for-profit business activity on services and solutions rather than products. It can establish a universal 'product platform' to obtain and share information. It can create and substantially increase for-profit markets for those services and complementary product-service solutions.

Over time, the Open Source model drives product cost towards zero. It is multinational because, in concept, it can be manufactured and used anywhere by anyone. By taking the high cost of intellectual property out of the process, it eliminates the need to increase product price to fund R&D, to establish exclusive sourcing and marketing relationships to recover product costs, and to maximize profitability and return on investment that would otherwise restrict it to a smaller market segment.

Lastly, the Open Source model facilitates collaborative volunteer communities and processes that are needed to develop, maintain and apply the monitor.



About This Page

This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 28 October 2004.

The author(s) provide this information as a public service, and agree to place any novel and useful inventions disclosed herein into the public domain. They are not aware that this material infringes on the patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights of others. However, there is a possibility that such infringement may exist without their knowledge. The user assumes all responsibility for determining if this information infringes on the intellectual property rights of others before applying it to products or services.

Copyright (C) 2004 Ellis S. Nolley. Copying and distribution of this page is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

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