Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
Sub-project: Body Motion Sensor


Project Description

The purpose of the project is to build a reliable, low power, low cost body motion sensor using MEMs. The sensor will be used in conjunction with any ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) and would correlate the general activity level of the human body with the blood pressure measurements.

The project is broken up into two stages. The first stage is to use an existing STAR (Sensing Triple Axis Reference) Board manufactured by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
The STAR is a stand-alone battery powered demonstration module from Freescale MMA7260Q ±1.5 g Triple Axis MEMs Accelerometer that also contains a MC68HC908KX8 8-bit microprocessor along with 16K X 8 memory to store data. The unit will produce time-sampled values of acceleration and load them into memory for later analysis. This unit will be used in conjunction with the current ABPM to determine:

The second stage would take this information to more clearly define the requirements for the motion sensor that would integrate into the Phoenix ABPM.

Project Deliverables


About This Page

This page is maintained by John Gould. It was last updated on 20 October 2005.

The author(s) provide this information as a public service, and agree to place any novel and useful inventions disclosed herein into the public domain. They are not aware that this material infringes on the patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights of others. However, there is a possibility that such infringement may exist without their knowledge. The user assumes all responsibility for determining if this information infringes on the intellectual property rights of others before applying it to products or services.

(C) 2005 John Gould. Copying and distribution of this page is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

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