Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
Sub-project: Data Analysis Software


Project Description

Develop software for the remote subsystem of the Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor. The remote subsystem is used by healthcare practitioners

Two siblings have been spun off the Data Analysis Software subproject:

The brundt of artifacts created for the Data Analysis Software subproject have been moved to the Systems Architecture subproject.



About This Page

This page is maintained by Christopher J. Adams. It was last updated on 12 June 2005.

The author(s) provide this information as a public service, and agree to place any novel and useful inventions disclosed herein into the public domain. They are not aware that this material infringes on the patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights of others. However, there is a possibility that such infringement may exist without their knowledge. The user assumes all responsibility for determining if this information infringes on the intellectual property rights of others before applying it to products or services.

Copyright (C) 2005 Christopher J. Adams
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