Stakeholder and User Profiles

Under Construction

Eventually replace this table with a diagram
Stakeholder Onion Model

Actor Profiles (Operational Stakeholders)

A primary actor is a stakeholder that calls on the system to deliver one of its services. The primary actor is often, but not always, the actor that triggers a use case. (For example, the system design could call for a proxy to trigger a use case for a primary actor.)

The name of an actor can mean an individual but more generally indicates the category of individuals who play a given role.


Human Operators

Name / Role Profile: Background, Skills, Viewpoint
patient May be sick or may want to know health status.
"Does not want to be bothered."
specialist Called for help by primary care clinician.
health information technician Deals directly with patients. May access medical records. Get informed consent from patient
Stakeholder Viewpoint
calibrates the device

Neighboring Systems

Stakeholder Viewpoint
Personal health record system
3rd-party data analysis software
3rd-party person identification system
Clinical Case Support System
Clinical Health Record System

Stakeholder Interests

A stakeholder is somebody/thing that cares how a use case is executed -- that provides constraints and rules. Not all stakeholders interact with the system; that is, not all stakeholders are actors. Primary actors are listed in the Actor Profile Table.

Stakeholder Stakeholder Role Interest
health insurance company financial beneficiary? negative stakeholder? regulatory-voluntary (standardizing)? An organization


Functional Beneficiary
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Financial Beneficiary
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Political Beneficiary
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Stakeholder Viewpoint


Stakeholder Viewpoint


Voluntary (Standardizing)
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Stakeholder Viewpoint
inspector, auditor From a regulatory agency. Uses the system, acting like a technician or clinician, but with a different purpose -- wants to validate the device or the process for developing the device.
regulatory agency an organization


Safety Opinion
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Usability Opinion
Stakeholder Viewpoint

Domain Knowledge

Stakeholder Viewpoint


Software Opinion
Stakeholder Viewpoint
Hardware Opinion
Stakeholder Viewpoint

This page is maintained by Christopher J. Adams. It was last updated 9 May 2010.

Copyright (c) 2010 Christopher J. Adams
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License