Project Description

The purpose of the IEEE Clinical Care Support Systems (CCSS) study group is to facilitate discussions and research into open source solutions to clinical software systems.  Topics of primary interest are Clinical Information Systems, Electronic Medical Records systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Clinical Guidelines and Computer-Interpretable clinical Guidelines.


Project Deliverables

1.  A report or reports comparing existing open-source Clinical Information Systems including discussions of the state of existing projects indicating where improvements are needed and the prospects for improvements.

2.  A report or reports on the results of a survey of human factors studies of interfaces to CCSS including results of any study performed by the IEEE CCSS study group. Prepare software specifications for various types of CCSS user interfaces.  Write software for open-source user-interfaces for various types of CCSS.

3.  A report or reports describing efforts to harmonize standards used for describing patients and efforts to harmonize standards used for describing computer-interpretable clinical guidelines and disease.  Participate in the harmonization effort if appropriate.

4. Promote open source CCSS and funding of open source CCSS and development of the infrastructure to facilitate open source CCSS.

5.  Prepare/facilitate computer interpretable clinical guidelines in support of the Phoenix project.  Guideline prepared to be compatible with EGADSS open source decision support system.


1.  Collect and evaluate information on existing open source efforts to develop Clinical Information Systems.

2.  Collect and evaluate information on ASTM and HL7 standards used for describing patients and information on the ANSI effort to harmonize the two standards.

3.  Collect and evaluate information on standards for describing computer interpretable guidelines and the efforts to evaluate or harmonize the standards.

4.  Collect and evaluate existing human factors studies for CCSS interfaces.

5.  Promote a federal effort to convert existing clinical guidelines into computer interpretable clinical guidelines as part of upcoming Health IT legislation planned for fall 2005.


About This Page

This page is maintained by Chris Fuller It was last updated on 20 September 2005.

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Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Fuller. Copying and distribution of this page is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

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