Status Report

Project Information

Project: Phoenix Systems Architecture and Engineering
Status Report Date: 11 April 2010
Next Internal Release Number: -.-.-
Release Date:
Original estimate: YEAR/MONTH/DAY
Current estimate: YEAR/MONTH/DAY
Change Since Last Report: No change
Open Issues:
(needing development)
not yet tracking defects and enhancements
Resolved Issues:
(pending verification)
not yet tracking defects and enhancements
Closed Issues: not yet tracking defects and enhancements
People who worked on the project this period:
Status Summary:
Medium risk. Problems are being dealt with.
Related Documents:

Detailed Status

This week we focused on re-organizing the web site according to an outline of a more formal system requirements specification.

Risk Management

The following text is carried over from the template and does not reflect the project.

TODO: List 3-10 of the top project risks that are still outstanding. This list may be an updated copy from plan.html or a previous status report.

Upcoming Activity

The following text is carried over from the template and does not reflect the project.

TODO: Provide a few bullets describing what you will do between now and the next status report. The text below is just an example, replace it with your own words. Link to open issues in the issue tracker whenever possible.
  • Fix issue 130
  • Fix issue 133
  • Verify issue 102, issue 103, issue 107, and issue 109
  • Conduct regular team meeting: Tuesday, 1 hour
  • Conduct review meeting: Wednesday, 2 hours
  • Make major progress on COMPONENT
  • Work through next release checklist
  • Continue functional testing
  • Revise our integration procedure
  • Release version X.Y.Z

Tracking to Plan

Proceeding casually. We are neither tracking, nor attempting to track, to a project plan.

This page is maintained by Christopher J. Adams. It was last updated 22 May 2010.

Copyright (c) 2010 Christopher J. Adams
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License