Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project
6/27/2004 Meeting Notes



We decided to use the partial site map which just shows the first occurrence of each html document, but presents a simpler perspective of our site to the viewer than the full site map which displays with every html link. There was an interest in a table of contents. We explained that the sitemap is a table of contents with the members of each hierarchy level alphabetized. Germaine suggested that we provide a search function as well. El plans to implement that capability.

We reviewed the "About Our Logo" page provided by Germaine. Wade pointed out that individual data doesn't even match the curve shown in the graph, Germaine noted that the graph is an idealized picture showing the major week, day and subday cycles that comprise a typical blood pressure cycle, and individuals' cycles will differ. We highlighted that the weekly blood pressure graph identifies the "question" and need to obtain this information and is not presented as the "answer". We clarified that the Phoenix Project is needed to help answer the question of what is normal blood pressure variation and how abnormal variation can be used in diagnosis and treatment. We reviewed the overall activity shown in the Objectives webpage under "About Phoenix" of which the Phoenix Project is the first of three phases: Phoenix Project, Phoenix Measurement Program, Phoenix Clinical Program. The Phoenix Project provides the monitor; the Phoenix Measurement Program encourages its use in the determination of normal blood pressure variation and which the ailments are identified by abnormal variation; and the Phoenix Clinical Program encourages the use of the monitor and this information in diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Germaine reviewed her Data Analysis Methods project, and its subproject page is now posted on the website. She needs volunteers to assist. Neil Clark was interested.

Wade showed us his Impedance Plethysmograph Sensor project, showed the use of electrode tape, and aluminum foil and diaper rash ointment which includes zinc oxide to create a good non-toxic electrical contact.

Germaine showed us a journal reference that 'Arterial blood pressure was obtained noninvasively via a photoplethysmographic transducer (JENTOW 7700: Colin Corporation, Komaki, Japan) and continuously recorded.' Wade said that he will investigate it.

Wade showed us how he uses the US Patent and Trademark Office website ( to investigate a technology, identify the relevant patents and determine what to use and how to modify it to avoid violating the patent.

Bob Schlentz noted that impressions he had developed. A neurologist brought up the issue of other rhythms, 1 day cycle, medicines given to people e.g. Alzheimer's, four medicines used but they don't work. Applying this to our blood pressure monitor, we'll need to test it rigorously to assure that it is useful, it may be necessary to measure more than blood pressure, and determine necessary sample size, (e.g. To distinguish to 1% may require 10,000 measurements. Regarding to the measurement supplied, many patients stop in the measurement program, many stop after one interval because it doesn't provide enough incentive for the patient to continue. They may need to see the measurements. We need to satisfy regional regulatory medical device requirements (QSR Quality Systems Requirements) and determine that there aren't any long term effects. Bob also looked at blood pressure monitors at Walgreen's and discovered that the majority of them use 2 AA cells, and the price range was 50 and 110 based on number of buttons they had. Regarding measuring the mechanical motions and impedance and reflection of light, there are another set of electrodes that use capacitance and don't touch the skin, others use Mylar and not latex for which some people allergic or they have unknown substances.

Wade discussed the relationship between sonic velocity and blood pressure. Neil questioned this capability, based on the incompressibility of liquids, Wade explained and said he'd show how it worked and many patents are based on it.

Our next meeting is July 18.



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This page is maintained by Ellis S Nolley. It was last updated on 24 October 2005.

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